The Human rights is an equal rights and freedom for everybody, by the fact of being human and without distinction of any kind of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions. However, many people have always suffered from the lack of them throughout history. In fact, the lack of human rights has a lot of effects on people lives.
In Costa Rica, the previous reference should also explain more. We can’t limit ourselves to the simple defense that is waiting for the violation of human rights to act. We are called by the same ethics that is understood as the maximum potential development of man, to promote human rights. Indeed, individual development and progress of society rests on the ethic that is the principle of respect for the dignity of each person and improve his quality as such.
For example, small indigenous groups claim their rights and the approval of the United Nations Declaration on Indigenous Peoples' Rights (particularly articles 26, 27 and 29), which recognize the rights of these natural resource and the existence of particular laws. Article 15 provides that the right of indigenous peoples to natural resources on their lands deserve special protection. These include the right to participate in the use, management and conservation of these resources.
Talking about this, is cherished as a superior being, and not considered human rights as a means but an end in itself. To all this, what is important is to have better mechanisms of protection argue what is the point and lead to concepts if you do not protect. There are more and more national and international agencies that are created to protect human rights, but voluntarily enrich them, to enrich those who protect, respect and protect freedom, equality and customs. We would give a great step in democracy and lead to the development of the nation.
we should have the same rights in every part of the world cause we are not citizen of Costa Rica only we are cetizens of the world